No silly.



Instagram, Apple, and Google
But I also love start-up vibes TOO.

Ideally, I want to work for a company where I use the product every day. I want to constantly be confronted with ways it could be better and make impactful changes. These design challenges are what make User Experience exciting to me. 


What's With the Icon? 

What? The three circles?

I love the way shapes, placement, and colour can be used to abstract bigger ideas. Art doesn't need to be complicated or serious to be understood. True Story - my thesis was on “Is it Art, or is it Fart?”


The original icon is from a Wary Meyers print. This brand has definitely been a huge inspiration to me. 


How did you get into UX? 

It's kind of a long story.. .

Fresh out of high school I wanted to become a painter. Following the practical advice of my Dad I didn’t go to art school. No. Instead I went to the University of Waterloo for Arts and Business (Co-op) and majored in Fine Art. UW is really known for its competitive Engineering and Computer Science programs. Their Fine Arts program… yeah, not so much.

I cannot tell you if it was the Celtic Highland fairy circle dancing music that was played during class, the hours spent painting pictures of crumple pieces of paper or piles of leaves, or just one particularly uninspired teacher, but I stopped painting. I had to. This program killed all the love and joy I had in the world for it.

This aversion lead me to take any course that had nothing to do with painting and would fit my requirements. This seemingly unfortunate situation led me to discover User Experience Design. Within the first two weeks of my UX course, I told my teacher, "this is what I want to do foreverrrrrr!”